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eXerCISe 7-1. CreatING aN SSIS prOJeCt
in this exercise, you create an ssis project to perform the ETL processing required to fill the Publication
industries data warehouse, DwPubssales.
open Visual studio by clicking the windows start button and selecting All
Programs Microsoft sQL server 2012 Data Tools.
Important: You are practicing administrator-level tasks in this topic; therefore, you need administrator-level
privileges. The easiest way to achieve this is to remember to always right-click a menu item, select Run as
Administrator, and then answer Yes to access administrator-level privileges. in windows 7 and Vista, logging
in with an administrator account is not enough. For more information, search the web on the keywords
“windows 7 True Administrator and User Access Control.”
open the solution you have been working on in Chapters 3 and 5. You can do so by
using the File open Project/solution menu item, as shown in Figure 7-1 . A dialog
navigate to the sLn file and select C:\_Bisolutions\Publicationsindustries\
Click the open button at the bottom of the dialog (Figure 7-2 ). This opens the
add a project to the Current Solution
Add a new project to the solution by selecting File Add new Project from the
main menu at the top of Visual studio (Figure 7-3 ). An Add new Project dialog
appears (Figure 7-4 ).
select the Business intelligence template category on the left of the dialog.
Then select the integration services Project option from the center of the dialog
(Figure 7-4 ).
name the Project DwPubssalesETL at the bottom of the dialog and click the oK
button to add the new project to your current solution (Figure 7-4 ).
Click the View solution Explorer menu item to display solution Explorer
(Figure 7-6 ). note that an ssis package has been created for you.
Rename the Package.dtsx file to ETLProcessForDwPubssales.dtsx (Figure 7-6 ).
save your work using File save All on the Visual studio main menu.
Close the getting started window to provide more development space on your
screen (Figure 7-6 ).
Your Visual studio solution should now look like Figure 7-7 . You need this solution for the next exercise, so
leave it open for now.
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