Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 3-11. The titles table
locate the dbo. Titles table in the treeview list, and right-click this table to access
the context menu.
Choose Select Top 1000 Rows from the context menu. SQl Management Studio will
create a query window, execute the query, and show you the results (Figure 3-11 ).
In the titles table, notice that along with the title there is a type for each title. This information would be quite
useful in a report because it provides a way to group the titles collectively. let's classify title type as a Must
Have item.
A publisher ID is included in this table that could also be used to group titles. let's classify this as a Must
Have item.
In addition, the price of each title is listed here and could prove useful for making measured calculations.
Although it does seem odd that this information was not included in the sales table when we created the
data warehouse, we can rectify this. let's classified this as a Must Have item.
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