Database Reference
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Other columns may or may not be as useful. For example, it is unlikely that sales reports would need to
categorize sales based on the type of advance given to each author for a given title. let's classify this as not
Also, the year-to-date column looks temptingly like a measure but provides aggregate values, and as we
show later, aggregate values do not go into a fact table holding measured data. let's classify this as not
Additional auxiliary information includes a set of notes about each title and the date the titles were published.
It seems somewhat obvious that the notes can be dismissed as being superficial to the sales reports.
However, inclusion of the published dates is a little less clear. It may be useful to know how many sales have
occurred since its published date, and this is easy to obtain. So, we include the published date in our design
by classifying it as nice to Have and exclude the notes by classifying them as not needed.
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Reviewing the Data in the Publishers Table
With the dbo.Titles table examined, let's turn our attention to the dbo.Publishers table (Figure 3-12 ).
Figure 3-12. The publishers table
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