Game Development Reference
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setting of 1 segment creates a hard edge bevel. Generally, I find that
three segments rounds the edges with a noticeable result, but keeps the
number of polys manageable.
Applying a bevel to edges helps get rid of that exactness that computers are so
good at creating. It helps the surface feel like it's been standing there for a while
when the edges of the form aren't razor sharp. When doing high-rez (as in not
games) 3D, I bevel most edges. In games, that luxury would kill the polycount;
however, some careful choices in bevel can add some sophistication to scenes.
Tips and Tricks
Bevel only one column. We are going to delete all the columns, but we
delete one later, after the form is UVed.
Tips and Tricks
Remember that you need to fine-tune the bevel settings depending on
the edges and size of the objects you are beveling. Also remember that
some objects may be far enough away from the camera that a setting of 2
or even 1 for the number of segments might just do the trick without the
polygonal overhead.
Step 35: Bevel other surfaces that need it (and that you can afford).
Warnings and Pitfalls
Once you start beveling,
the temptation will be
to bevel everything. “If
it looks good here, it'll
look good everywhere!
Right?” Well, that may
be true, but be aware
that beveling carries
other costs besides in
the polycount. UV layout
isn't nearly as clean and
speedy when you are
dealing with beveled
edges. Every surface
you bevel will add some
considerable time to
your UV layout efforts. So
while applying a bevel is
a nice touch, be aware
it does exact a toll later.
Bevel is good, but bevel
with care.
Tips and Tricks
As you bevel you may find some strange visual artifacts popping up in
the corners of newly beveled surfaces. Sometimes this occurs because
of problems in the edge normals. Usually, these artifacts can be fixed by
selecting the edges in the affected area and using Polygons>Normals>Soften
Edge. Sometimes, selecting the edges on the outside edge of the bevel and
doing the opposite (Polygons>Normals>Harden Edge) will fix the issue.
It depends on the situation; tweak for best results.
Wrapping Up
And with that we will leave our discussion of level modeling. There is still a
lot of level modeling to do for our game. The additional areas of the model
can be seen in the Challenges section of this chapter. Feel free to take up
the challenges, or use your research to create hallways and corridors of
your own. Be sure to remember the tools discussed here to create efficient
meshes that stay light on the polycount, but high on the visual impact.
If you are comfortable with your modeling skills and know that you can model
with efficiency and speed, all the results of the challenges are included on
the web site ( ). These assets can be used
quickly in the tutorials once inside of Unity. However, if you are still finding
your modeling legs, try building them from scratch.
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