Environmental Engineering Reference
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• Ainenotexceedingthreetimesthecommercialvalueofthegoodstowhichthe
offence was linked.
It applies to plastic bags given to a shopper at the point of sale (secondary packaging)
and thus, excludes bags used for primary packaging of loose goods, e.g., rice, lour
and so on [58].
From April 2003, new plastic qualiications as approved by the South African
Qualiication Authority have come into force [59]. The legal minimum thickness is 30
μm with a tolerance of -20%, which gives an absolute minimum thickness of 24 μm,
as against 17 μm thickness prior to the regulations. According to the revised standard:
• A'recyclable-friendly'inkhastobeusedformarkingandprintingandthequantity
used, on a dry basis, should not be above 2.25% of the weight of the bag.
• Theretailersshouldtransferthefullcostofthebagstotheconsumerandreduce
the price of goods accordingly.
• Avoluntarylevyof2centsperbaghastobepaidbyregisteredimportersand
manufacturers until an appropriate excise tax is imposed which is payable into
a trust fund set up to educate the public, promote recycling and clean-up highly
littered areas.
• EstablishaCompany,inancedthroughamandatorylevythatwouldbepaidby
manufacturers and collected by the National Treasury of South Africa, whose
objectives would be to encourage and manage the collection, reuse and recycling
of plastic bags and create jobs [60].
• Enforcestrictcontrolatportsofentry. Taiwan
The ' Waste Disposal Act ' of Taiwan (1988) was modiied during 1997 requiring all
manufacturers and importers to bear the responsibilities of waste disposal and recycle
and to pay fees for waste disposal and clearance, which are collected and managed
by the Resource Recycling Foundation Committee of the government. Waste plastic
containers and waste plastic bubble sheets (for packaging) are regulated as recyclable
waste [61]. USA
The Solid Waste Disposal Act (42 USC 1601 et seq .), the Resource Conservation and
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