Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
United States of America
plastic bags pass
through the hands of
US consumers every
year—almost one bag
per person each day
Standards: California passed a law
that required plastic waste bags
manufactured for waste disposal rather
than shopping to be made up of a
minimum of 30% recycled content.
The movement gained momentum in
California and is now going national.
More than 20 million Americans in 132
cities and counties live in communities
with plastic bag bans or charges [42]
by the plastic waste bag
manufacturers with one of
the following two options -
ensure that its plastic waste
bags intended for sale in the
state contained a quantity of
recycled post-consumer plastic
equal to at least 10% of the
weight of the regulated bags
or ensure that at least 30% of
the weight of the material used
in all of its plastic products
intended for sale in the state is
recycled post-consumer plastic
prohibition, as its four
populated counties have got
rid of plastic bags at grocery
checkouts. In Texas, 11
cities—including Austin and
Dallas—have plastic bag bans
or charges on the topics. The
nation's capital was the irst to
pass a 5 ȼ charge on plastic and
paper bags. National retailers
who no longer hand out plastic
bags include Whole Foods,
which credits shoppers at least
5 ȼ for bringing their own
reusable bags
BIS: Bureau of Indian Standards
Adapted from Marine Litter, an Analytical Overview , United Nations Environment Programme 2005,
p.47 [7] and A. Akullian, C. Karp, K. Austin, and D. Durbin in Plastic Bag Externalities and Policy in
Rhode Island , Environmental Law and Policy, Brown Policy Review, Fall, 2006, p.11 [39] Joint Plastic Disposal Policies in Association of the Southeast
Asian Nations, East African Region, the G9 Group of Countries, European
Countries and South Asian Region
There are no joint policies for plastic waste disposal in the sea. However, in the
Association of Southeast Asian Nations countries, the Economic Research Institute
for Southeast and East Asia an international organisation supports them in making
policy recommendations at the regional level, such as the 16 Members of the East
Asia Summit (EAS), aimed at furthering East Asia's economic integration. Sixteen
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