Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 7-32
Files added to the local root folder with the Flash video
file with the skin you
file that enables the
page to play the video
Trouble? If you don't see the new files in the Files panel, click the Refresh button
on the Files panel toolbar to update the files list.
In addition to the fi les, Dreamweaver adds some extra code when a Flash video fi le is
inserted into the page using the FLV button. A CheckFlashVersion script detects the ver-
sion of Flash Player and determines if it is the correct version of Flash Player.
Deleting Flash Video
If you no longer want a Flash video in a Web page, you can select and delete the video
from the div. However, deleting the Flash video does not delete the additional fi les that
were added to the site. If you delete all the Flash video from a site, you should also
delete the extra fi les to prevent the site from becoming cluttered or unnecessarily large.
Adding Mark of the Web
Sometimes Internet Explorer (version 6 and above) prevents you from previewing pages
with active content in them or warns that it has restricted the fi le from showing active
content. Active content is JavaScript or anything that requires an ActiveX control, such
as Flash Player. Originally, this was intended to tighten security because attackers were
attempting to take advantage of the fact that active content is displayed in the Local
Machine zone by default when run from a local computer (and not over the Web).
Because it is inconvenient to upload pages that contain active content every time you
want to view those pages in a browser, you can solve the problem by adding code called
Mark of the Web to your pages with active content to enable you to safely preview the
pages locally. Mark of the Web is a special comment that you insert into the head area of
the Web page code to enable Internet Explorer to display active content from a local fi le
without a warning. It is safe because it tells the active content to display in the Internet
zone and not in the Local Machine zone. The comment tag you add is:
<!-- saved from url=(0014)about:internet -->
You will add it to the pages of the NextBest Fest site.
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