Graphics Programs Reference
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5. Click Inspec t and move the mouse down in the Design pane of the page. As you
move the mouse over various elements in the page, the elements are highlighted
and the Code pane adjusts to display and highlight the corresponding code.
6. On the Document toolbar, click the Live View button to toggle off Live View and
return to Design view.
Inserting Checkboxes into a Form
Checkboxes have only two attributes in addition to name. Because some forms use
many checkboxes, it is often convenient to use a code, instead of a name, in the script to
process them. When you include a series of related checkboxes, it is a good idea to use
a checkbox group. Adding checkboxes as a group enables you to include a group name
in addition to the names or codes of the individual checkboxes. The other checkbox attri-
butes are Checked value and Initial state. Checked value is where you can assign a value
or a numeric code for a checkbox. The Checked value is sent to the processing location
along with the name when the checkbox is checked. Nothing is sent to the processing
location if the checkbox is unchecked. Initial state sets whether the checkbox starts out
checked or unchecked when a user fi rst views the form.
Gage wants to fi nd out what styles of music users enjoy to determine a lineup of
tribute bands that will most appeal to them. You will use a checkbox group to collect this
To add a checkbox group to the contact form:
1. Click in the left column of the sixth row, type Check all of the musical styles
that interest you. (including the period), and then press the Tab key to move the
insertion point to the next cell.
2. In the Forms category of the Insert panel, click the Checkbox Group button. The
Checkbox Group dialog box opens. See Figure 6-35.
Figure 6-35
Checkbox Group dialog box
click to add mo re
checkboxes to the group
two checkboxe s already
in the group
If you use POST as the
method for the form, you
must add brackets [] at
the end of the Checkbox
Group name to enable this
functionality to work.
3. In the Name box, select the text, if necessary, and then type
music_style_preferences . This clearly identifies the purpose of the
checkbox group.
4. Click in the first row of the Label column, and then type rock 70s era to add the
label that will appear beside the first checkbox in the browser window.
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