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also use the Dreamweaver built-in spelling checker to double-check for errors. You can
choose to change or ignore one instance or all occurrences of any word that isn't found
in the Dreamweaver built-in dictionary. Dreamweaver has enhanced the spell checking
functionality in CS5 by switching the spell checker engine from Wintertree software to
Linguistic Library Optimized (LILO). The new engine supports 37 different dictionaries
which is an increase from the 15 dictionaries supported in CS4. The default dictionary
matches the version of Dreamweaver CS5 that you install. For example, when you install
Turkish version of the software, the Turkish dictionary will be the default dictionary. You
can change the default dictionary by editing the general preferences for the program.
Correcting All Spelling and Grammar Errors
Errors in spelling and grammar can detract from the overall impression of a Web site.
They can make the company, product, or service seem unprofessional. So be sure to
use the spelling checker and proofread the text in all Web pages. Because no spelling
checker is foolproof, proofread the pages carefully looking for errors that a spelling
checker won't catch, such as incorrectly used homonyms (for example, there, their, and
they're), a correctly spelled word that is wrong in context (such as from versus form), and
missing words.
Gage asks you to check the spelling in the home page.
To check the home page for spelling errors:
1. At the top of the home page, click to the left of the NextBest Fest Home page
heading to place the insertion point at the top of the page.
2. On the Application bar, click Commands , and then click Check Spelling . The
Check Spelling dialog box opens, displaying the first word that does not match
any words in the built-in dictionary, in this case, the word “NextBest.” The Check
Spelling dialog box suggests that NextBest be corrected to “Next Best.” See
Figure 3-3.
Figure 3-3
Check Spelling dialog box
click to ignore
this instance
of the word
“misspell e d” word
click to change
this instance
of the word to
the selected
possible co rrections
click to change
all instan ces of
the word to the
selected correction
click to ignore
all instances
of the word
3. Click the Ignore All button to ignore every instance of NextBest in the page. The
Check Spelling dialog box displays “Fest”—the next word that does not match
any words in the built-in dictionary. In this case, the word “Fest” is a shortened
form of “Festival” and is not misspelled. Although the spelling checker does not
recognize this slang term, the target audience will recognize it.
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