Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
To set the Appearance (CSS) page properties for the home page:
1. On the Application bar, click Modify , and then click Page Properties . The Page
Properties dialog box opens with the Appearance (CSS) category selected.
2. Click the Page font arrow, and then click Arial , Helvetica , sans-serif .
3. Click the Size arrow, and then click 14 .
4. Click in the Text color box, type #333333 (the hexadecimal color code for dark
gray), and then press the Tab key. The color box changes to dark gray to match
the color code you just entered.
The hexadecimal color
code must begin with # for
that color to appear in the
Web page.
5. Click the Background color box to open the color picker, and then point to the
gray swatch. The hexadecimal color code at the top of the color picker changes as
you move the pointer over the color swatches. Dreamweaver sometimes displays
a three-number abbreviated form of the hexadecimal color code. This occurs
when both characters in a pair representing red, green, or blue, are the same. For
example, Dreamweaver displays #345 for the hexadecimal color code #334455.
6. Click the gray swatch that displays #666 in the color picker to select the lighter
gray swatch as the background color. The abbreviated hexadecimal color code
#666 appears in the Background color box.
7. Click in the Left margin box, and then type 0 .
8. Press the Tab key twice to move the insertion point to the Right margin box, and
then type 0 .
9. Press the Tab key twice to move the insertion point to the Top margin box, and
then type 0 .
10. Press the Tab key twice to move the insertion point to the Bottom margin box,
and then type 0 . See Figure 2-23.
Figure 2-23
Completed Appearance (CSS) category in the Page Properties dialog box
click to open t he color picker
Appearance ( CSS)
category selected
text settings
hexadec imal color
code for the
selected color
background settings
margin settings
click to associate
properties with the
page and clo se the
dialog box
click to associate properties with the
page and leave the dialog box open
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