Biomedical Engineering Reference
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avail. A collection of atoms is balanced by a particular geometric
allocation or pattern of fields between atoms, for instance, in a
wind, thunder and rain; or in the spin of the sun or the earth.
Depending on changes in temperature, the quantum state of the
overall system of atoms can change dramatically as the photons
change their state. A similar phenomenon occurs at anaphase when
chromosomes divide into pairs; a sudden change occurs in the
photon state, leading to a molecular reaction as the overall energy
state in the cell falls. This occurs as the DNA lines up due to a
biogenic E field to act as a coherent liquid crystal. We examine this
case in detail when we study cell division in Chapter 5.
A specialised term for the form of solution consisting of two
rotating orthogonal vectors, vectors that may rotate in planes at
right angles to each other, or planes parallel to each other, is
a 'bi-spinor'. The solution is found in mathematics, physics and
biophysics, for instance, the shape of the DNA double helix. The bi-
and a particle, not only a wave as in classical EM nor only a particle
as in classical mechanics; and (2) the solution is fractal; there is no
limit on size at either end of the size spectrum; an infinite series of
solutions running from the universe to the photon is implicit in SFT.
We can separate the motions into domains. Physics and biophysics
unify under a single theoretical basis where biology and life forms
are involved from universal to photonic domains via a family of
In their equivalent spinorial form the ML equations reveal a
mutual system of self-fields inside the atom. The electron that
rotates in two orthogonal directions causes two fields that drive
the motions of the proton, causing it to also move in these two
orthogonal directions; the proton in its turn rotates in the two
orthogonal directions, causing two fields that drive the motions of
the electron, causing it also to move in two orthogonal directions—
in other words a mutual system of self-fields. The two self-fields
are streams of photons rather like 'beads on a string' where the
photons also have two internal sub-photonic particles that also
perform two rotations as they move. This is the essential difference
between self-field EM theory and CEM theory; SFT is bi-spinorial
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