Biology Reference
In-Depth Information
9. A differential amplifier band pass-filtered of 0.1-1,000 Hz
(CSO, Italy).
10. A rack-mounted terminal block (BNC 2090, National
Instruments, USA).
11. A Ganzfeld globe (CSO, Italy).
12. Software to control the light stimuli (e.g., Ganzfeld stimulator,
custom), to register and analyze the Electroretinogram (ERG)
responses (e.g.,, custom).
2.6 Sample
Collection and
1. Avertin (see Subheading 2.3.1 ).
2. Sterile stiff support.
3. Sterile razor blade.
4. Heparinized capillaries.
5. 0.5 M EDTA pH 8.0.
6. Microfuge (for 1.5/2 mL test tubes).
7. Haematocrit 210 microfuge (24 hematocrit capillaries).
8. Clay sealant and specimen holding tray (24 hematocrit capillaries).
9. Ruler.
2.6.1 Serum and Blood
Collection and Hematocrit
1. Hamilton syringe 1702RN 25
L (Hamilton Company, USA).
2. Removable 33 gauge needles: RN NDL 6/PK (33/*/*) (to
be mounted on the Hamilton syringe 1702RN) (Hamilton
Company, USA).
2.6.2 Anterior Chamber
Fluid Collection
1. Cauterizer: low-temperature cautery (World Precision
Instruments, Germany).
2. Mini dissecting scissors, 9.5 cm long, sharp fine tips.
3. Dumont tweezers #5, 11.5 cm long, 0.17 × 0.10 mm serrated
4. 1× PBS pH 7.4.
5. 4% Paraformaldehyde in 1× PBS.
6. 30% Sucrose in 1× PBS.
7. Tissue freezing medium: Optimum cutting temperature
(O.C.T.) formulation of water-soluble glycols and resins.
8. Disposable embedding molds peel-a-way truncated-T12
(Polysciences Europe GmbH, Germany).
9. Dry-ice denatured alcohol bath.
2.6.3 Eye Harvesting
and Embedding
2.7 Quanti fi cation
of EPO and S100E
Proteins by ELISA
1. Microplate ELISA reader equipped with the 450 and 540 (or
570) nm filters.
2. Mouse/rat erythropoietin ELISA (e.g., Quantikine, R&D
Systems, USA).
3. Horizontal orbital microplate shaker.
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