Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
From Norris Junction to Madison Junction
This short section (13.3 mi/21.4 km) of the Grand Loop Road follows the Gibbon River
through its meadows and canyon. There's a good chance of seeing elk and buffalo on the way.
Three thermal features to stop for are the Artists' Paintpots, Beryl Spring, and Terrace Spring
near Madison.
Road Log
0.0/13.4 Norris Junction. Madison Junction is to the south, then southwest; Canyon Junction
to the east; Norris Geyser Basin to the west; and Mammoth Hot Springs Junction to the north.
1.5/11.9 Northeast end of Elk Park. Mount Holmes dominates the northwestern horizon.
Besides elk, watch for ducks, geese, and great blue herons on the meandering river.
2.5/10.9 Gibbon River Rapids at the southwest end of Elk Park. Stop in the wide park-
ing area to walk to the rapids. There's good fishing in this part of the Gibbon River, and even
better fishing between the Gibbon Falls (at mile 8.6/4.7) and Madison Junction.
2.8/10.6 Wide spot in the road for parking to see the (unsigned) Chocolate Pots. here's a
colorful cone bubbling water from its top down below the road (very hard to see) and a large
one across the river. These cones have built up from the bubbling mud squirting over their
brims. The large amount of iron oxide in the water here creates the unusual bright orange-
brown color that you see on the sides of the cones and on the river bottom. Bright orange and
green bacteria and algae grow in the water that trickles down the sides.
3.3/10.1 Picnic area west of the road. The terrain is very flat here near Gibbon
Meadows, and the river twists and turns through numerous meanders before entering its
canyon just to the south.
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