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Fig. 7.41. Emanuel Cluster at UTB
The second aspect is to select an appropriate test instance. For our purpose, a moder-
ately difficult instance of 50 jobs and 20 machines from the Taillard benchmark problem
set was selected.
Experimentation was conducted with Population set to 200 individuals and 100 gen-
erations allowed. The solution mesh is given in Fig 7.42.
A histogram projection in Fig 7.43. gives a better representation with the frequency
of makespan.
The optimal value obtained through this experimentation is given in Table 7.22.
Traveling Salesman Problem Tuning
The identical tuning procedure used for Flow shop was used for parameter tuning on
the Traveling Salesman Problem. Once again, 700 experimentations were conducted,
and for this problem set, the moderately difficult Eil51 city problem set was selected.
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