Agriculture Reference
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Figure 4.70 Construct your frame and tie the young tree to the posts. Shorten back the side shoots below the desired
height to aid establishment (a). Cut back the uppermost (apical) bud to promote bushy growth. Train the branches to the
frame (b). Continue to nip out the uppermost bud in winter and train the branches in summer. Small branches below
the wire can be removed completely (c).
Figure 4.71 Shorten back any vertical growth and
remove shoots below the major canopy.
reached fullness, pruning and clipping in
summer will reduce growth and hence
Maintain your living sculpture by simply
hedging as required. To renovate an old
overcrowded structure, thin older stems at the
end of the dormant season.
Figure 4.72 Remove any growth that deviates from the
two-dimensional plane of branches you are trying to
Topiary is the art of shaping a naturally bushy
plant into a dense and solid shape. It may be a
ball on a stick (a standard), a simple
geometric shape such as a cone, ball or cube,
or it could be something more fanciful like a
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