Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
larger, coarser leaves cannot present the
continuous leaf coverage that shows off the
desired shape. The smaller the leaf, the finer
and more detailed the design can be. Fast-
growing plants will need much more training
time if the trainer is to keep up with the
growth rate, and maintenance will perforce
be more frequent. Plants that sprout easily
from old wood are ideal as any mishaps can
be rectified - albeit in time (see Table 4.19).
Table 4.19 Plants suitable for detailed topiary
Choose cultivars with small leaves for the best results - they can
also be grown as standards.
Largeplantsto2mplus (*plants that can resprout from
old wood)
*Acmenasmithii Lilypilly
*Buddleja spp. Butterfly bush
*Escallonia spp. Escallonia
*Ilex spp. Holly
*Ligustrum spp. Privet
*Pittosporum spp. Pittosporum
*Syzgium spp. Lilypilly
*Taxusbaccata Yew
Berberis spp. Berberis
C.torulosa Bhutan cypress
Cupressusmacrcarpa Cypress
Leptospermumleavigatum Coastal teatree
Photiniarobusta Photinia
Quercusilex Holm oak
*Carpinusbetulus Hornbeam
*Pyracantha spp. Fire thorn
Crataegusoxycantha Hawthorn
*Abeliagrandiflora Abelia
*Buxussempervirens English box
*Cotoneaster spp. Cotoneaster
*Grevillearosmarinifolia Rosemary grevillea
Coleonemaalbum Diosma
Loniceranidita Oz box
Myoporuminsulare Boobialla
Myrtuscommunis Myrtle
Rosmarinusofficinalis Rosemary
Westringiafruticosa Coastal rosemary
Figure 4.73 Topiary can be used to dramatise or accent
any landscape. This example uses hornbeam.
hippopotamus or a bird. Whatever the design,
topiary requires dedication and perseverance
to achieve a solid form that can accent,
anchor or dramatise a landscape (see
Figure 4.73).
There is a cheat's way around the long training.
An existing shrub can be 'carved' into, and
then trained to become a dense shape, but this
strategy will only work with plant material that
sprouts easily from old wood.
Simple shapes work best so that they do not
disappear between maintenance trimmings.
Also, choose an open position so that growth
can be as even as possible around the whole
shape. Good access to sunlight for all surfaces
of the shape is vital.
Plant selection
Evergreens are the usual subjects for topiary.
Slow-growing, fine-textured (or leaved) plants
will give the greatest scope as plants with
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