Travel Reference
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Parmesan dipped into similarly elderly 24-year-old balsamic vinegar. Check out the own-
er's collection of baseball caps (over 400 at last count), sent by appreciative customers
from around the world in exchange for a Ravello cap which is routinely included in any
Offline map Google map
( 089 85 84 67; ; Via Trinità 8) Although you may associate
cashmere with more northern climes, this tiny shop in the Ravello backstreets is worth a
visit to view the exceptional quality of the locally produced clothing here, made primarily
from pure cashmere, as well as linen.
Squeezed between tourist-driven shops and cafes, this very special place, Camo Offline map
Google map ( 089 85 74 61; Piazza Duomo 9, Ravello; 9.30am-noon & 3-5.30pm Mon-Sat) ,
is on the face of it a cameo shop; and exquisite they are too, crafted primarily out of coral and shell. But
don't stop here - ask to see the treasure trove of a museum beyond the showroom. Even more of a treat
may be in store if cameo creator and shop founder Giorgio Filocamo is there to explain the background
to such gorgeous pieces as a 16th-century crucifix on a crystal cross, a mid-16th-century Madonna, a
3rd-century AD Roman amphora, gorgeous tortoiseshell combs and some exquisite oil paintings. This
shop is the antithesis of the overpriced shops in the centre of Ravello. Giorgio's divine cameos have
been commissioned by all kinds of well-known folk, including Hillary Clinton and the American actress
Susan Sarandon.
Tourist Office (
089 85 70 96; ; Via Roma 18;
9am-7pm) Can
assist with accommodation.
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