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noci (pasta with chickpeas and nuts), as well as some international-style surprises, like ve-
getable couscous. They have a bustling take away counter that also dishes up pizza.
Le Grottelle €€
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( 081 837 57 19; Via Arco Naturale 13; meals around €28; Apr-Oct) This is a great
place to impress your partner. Not so much for the food, which is decent enough - think
simple pasta dishes followed by grilled fish, chicken or rabbit - but for its atmospheric
setting. About 150m from the Arco Naturale. It's got two dining areas, one set in a cave,
the other, more appealing, on a terrace perched above a wooded hillside that slopes dra-
matically down to the sea.
Trattoria da Giovanni a Gradola €
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(Grotta Azzurra; meals €18; Apr-Oct) This laid-back, sand-between-your-toes trattoria
is just beyond the swish bathing facilities at the Grotta Azzurra. The setting is lovely for a
summer lunch, with basic wooden tables on a narrow terrace overlooking the deep blue
sea. Menu stalwarts include parmigiana di melanzane (baked aubergine with tomato and
Parmesan), fried fish and pasta e fagioli (pasta and bean stew).
Raffaele Buonacore €
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( 081 837 78 26; Via Vittorio Emanuele III 35; snacks €2-4.50; Mar-Oct; )
Ideal for a quick fill-up, this popular snack bar does a roaring trade in savoury and sweet
treats, including frittatas, panini (sandwiches), pastries, waffles and ice cream. Hard to
beat, though, are the delicious sfogliatelle (cinnamon-infused ricotta in a puff-pastry shell)
and the feather- light speciality caprilu al limone (lemon and almond cakes) for just €0.90.
Donna Rachele €€
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( 081 837 53 87; ; Via Padre Serafino Cimmino 2; pizza from
€6, meals €25) Tucked away in a corner, this place has a traditional trattoria atmosphere,
with small rooms, tiled pictures and walls lined with bottles. There are a couple of tables
on the outside terraces. Vegetarians will do well with the antipasti choices like grilled ar-
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