Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Buried for centuries beneath metres of volcanic debris, Naples' archaeological sites are
among the best-preserved and most-spectacular Roman ruins in existence. And it's here, in
the dense urban sprawl stretching from Naples to Castellammare, that you'll find Italy's
blockbuster finest: Pompeii and Herculaneum, as well as a host of lesser-known jewels,
from salubrious ancient villas to the country's biggest vintage clothes market.
While Pompeii, Herculaneum and Oplontis are within easy walking distance of stations
on the Naples-Sorrento Circumvesuviana train line, Stabiae and Boscoreale both require a
bit more searching around.
As for Mt Vesuvius, it's an easy bus trip from Pompeii or Ercolano.
Ruins of Herculaneum
Offline map
( 081 732 43 38; ; Corso Resina 6, Ercolano; adult/reduced €11/
5.50, combined ticket incl Pompeii, Oplontis, Stabiae & Boscoreale €20/10;
8.30am-7.30pm Apr-Oct, to 5pm Nov-Mar, last entry 90min before closing; Circumve-
suviana to Ercolano-Scavi) Unfairly upstaged by Pompeii's ancient offerings, the Ruins of
Herculaneum have a wealth of archaeological finds, from ancient advertisements and styl-
ish mosaics, to carbonised furniture and terror-struck skeletons. Indeed, this superbly con-
served Roman fishing town of 4000 inhabitants is smaller and easier to navigate than Pom-
peii, and can be explored with a map and audio- guide (€6.50, €10 for two) .
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