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Real time value means the communication between parties is confined to the
real time communication.
Owner will just have privacy preferences file that describes the content privacy
and all parties should follow these content privacy policies during communica-
tion. So the owner does not need to have privacy policy file.
Portal privacy policy file defines just ID and location privacy. Since there is
no long term data transmission in portal and user communication and portal
services are real times, so there is no need for a time privacy policy control
Owner privacy preferences file defines just time and location privacy for each
service. Since service provider presents contents for the end users, so it only
checks user identity privacy. Owner just specifies required privacy for the content
saving locations and the content availability time.
All remaining privacy files have time, location, and identity tags.
2.2 The Model Phases
The UPM contains five phases. Figure 1 shows UPM phases and relations with
different parties.
In authentication phase, users are able to authenticate to the system through
various authentication methods. System assigns a number called Authentication
Precision Level (APL) in [0,100] to each authentication method. More precise
authentication methods get higher APLs (These levels should be set previously
by device manufacturer or system administrator).
System works on different automation level based on APL.
With APL in [0, 25), functionality is more important than privacy for the
user. In this case, in any conflicts or uncertain privacy situation between user
and other parties (when the other party cannot provide user required privacy
level), user automatically accepts and applies the other party highest provided
privacy level and start communication.
With APL in [25, 75], user receives alarms on communication with the parties
with lower privacy levels than user requested. In this case, user has the ability
to accept or deny communication offer. So the model provides user notice and
choice in this level.
With APL in (75,100], user does not accept any privacy level less than his
required privacy. So if the other party could not provide user required privacy
level, the system will not let user to use the other party services.
APL would be saved in APL tag of user privacy policy file for later compar-
isons and decision making during the other phases.
Each context device that gathers user private information has a device privacy
policy file. Context privacy policy file will reflect lowest level of each privacy type
in the context.
In context joining phase user sends his required privacy level to the context
portal. If context is able to provide that privacy level then user will join to the
context. The agreed privacy level between user and context will be written in
Context Privacy Policy tag of user privacy policy file.
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