Biology Reference
In-Depth Information
or the chemical transformations that comprise a network
Bioinformatics sequence
Indicates the function of
Takes advantage of the
Relies upon existing data,
specific proteins by
large amount of data that
which is not necessarily always
searching for sequence
is already available, and the
accurate, i.e., the prediction
homologies. An increasing
vast supply of computational
is only as good as the original
number of approaches
synthesize multiple data
Very efficient.
Does not provide any “new”
sources to predict protein
discoveries, in the sense that
proteins with no sequence
homologies or structure
similarities remain difficult
to reconcile.
Indicates which proteins
Enables the unbiased testing
May generate false positives
interact with one another.
of multiple ligands against
for proteins in a complex that
Like immunoprecipitation,
a specific target protein.
do not directly interact.
this technique is based on
Protein concentrations,
Level of sensitivity is less
the formation of immune
than that of other methods
complexes: a cell lysate is
modifications, and other
because the antigen
produced; the protein of
in vivo characteristics
concentration is inherently
interest is tagged by an
are more likely to be
lower to avoid banding of
antibody; the antigen is
the antibodies. There are
added and allowed to
ways to overcome this pitfall,
precipitate with the protein
but these usually result in
antibody (and thereby
perturbations of the simulated
“coprecipitate” with any
natural environment.
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