Biology Reference
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proteins with which the
target interacts); and the
mixture is washed, such
that the bound proteins are
eluted and analyzed.
Indicates (1) the structural
Capable of identifying weak
Often detects a neighboring
characteristics of proteins
interactions that are not
protein that may not be in
or complexes isolated
identified with other methods.
direct contact with the target
from within a cell; and
Transient contacts between
of interest.
(2) which proteins interact
proteins at various stages in
with a specific test target.
a dynamic process may be
Proteins are covalently
detected by crosslinking and
crosslinked with agents
freezing the process at
that bind to reactive groups
different time points.
of amino acid residues.
Can be performed in vivo
The resulting complex is
with membrane permeable
analyzed for protein
crosslinking reagents.
interactions, interaction
Is often combined with
sites, and residue contacts.
sequence analysis for
improved results.
Can indicate the phenotypic
Can be used to characterize a
Results observed are dependent
[9-12, 33-35]
function of a set of genes.
complete cellular phenotype,
on the elements present on the
A cDNA or oligonucleotide
i.e., a profile of all the
chip, to the extent that extensive
library is printed on a
genes that are activated and
homology or antisense
high-density microchip, and
inactivated under certain
transcripts may cause
fluorescently tagged mRNA
cellular conditions.
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