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N e w P r o b le m
R e t r ie v a l
N e w C a s e
S e a r c h C a s e
C a s e B a s e
R e u s e
R e v is e
C a s e R e v is io n
C a s e S o lu t io n
P r o p o s e d S o lu t io n
C o n f ir m e d S o lu t io n
Fig. 5.2. Structure of CBR
CBR can be identified into two types: problem-solving CBR and
interpretive CBR. The former solves new problems by adapting solutions that
were used to solve old problems; the latter utilizes previous cases as
evidences for what it pleads. A CBR process is shown in Fig. 5.3. The
subjects that matter in CBR include:
Case Representation
: Efficiency is closely linked to case representation in
CBR systems. Case representation involves: what should be contained in
a case; how to choose the storage structure of a case; and how to organize
and index the cases to facilitate the retrieval of potentially useful cases.
The organization and indexing aspects are especially important when the
system handles thousands of complex cases.
Analysis Model
: Analysis models are used to analyze the target case,
identify and elicit the information used to find the best match.
Case Retrieval
: It is the process of finding the potentially useful cases and
choosing the best match utilizing the search information. It is the very
similar ways the mankind solve problems on the basis of previous
experiences. When a new problem is encountered, people resort to
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