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previous cases and get the best match case related to the problem. Due to
the fact that whether the retrieved case helps in the following phases
mainly depends on the case quality got in this phase, case retrieval is very
crucial. Generally speaking, it is by no means an accurate match, and can
only be a partial or approximate match. So, the criterion of similarity
evaluation is demanding and of great importance. A well definition of the
similarity is critical to find a useful base case.
Proposed Solution
Fig. 5.3. A CBR process
Analogical Mapping
: Construct the corresponding between the target case and
the base one.
: Transform the information in the base case in the
form easy use in problem solving in the target case. The adaptation of the
solution in the base case is involved in this process, which aims to construct
the solution in the new situation. The consideration in this adaptation process
includes the differences between the target case and the base one, the decision
on which part in the base case can be reused in the target case. As to the
simple classification question, we only need to apply the classification result
of the base cases to the target base directly. There is no need to consider their
differences in that the above process of case retrieval has already fulfilled the
job. As for problem solving, the system needs to revise the solution of base
case according to differences between the target case and base case.
The case reuse can be classified into two types in terms of the information
Analogical Transformation
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