Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
It is customary to tip the bellhop/porter (US$1 to US$5 per service) and the housekeeper
(US$1 to US$2 per day) in top-end hotels, less in budget places. On guided tours, tip the
guide US$5 to US$15 per person per day. Tip the tour driver about half of what you tip the
guide. Naturally, tips depend upon quality of service. Taxi drivers are not normally tipped,
unless some special service is provided. Top-end restaurants may add a 10% service
charge to the bill. If not, you might leave a small tip to show your appreciation, but it is not
Traveler's Checks
With the popularity of ATMs and credit cards, traveler's checks are increasingly uncommon
in Costa Rica. They can be exchanged at banks, typically only for US dollars or Costa Ric-
an colones.
A high standard of living along with a steady stream of international tourist traffic
means that the Latin American tradition of haggling is uncommon in Costa Rica.
Do not try to bargain for hotel room rates as it is very uncommon.
Negotiating prices at outdoor markets is acceptable, and bargaining is accepted when
hiring long-distance taxis.
Opening Hours
Banks Hours are variable, but most are open at least from 9am to 4pm Monday to Fri-
Restaurants Usually open from 7am and serve dinner until 9pm, though upscale places
may open only for dinner. In remote areas, even the small sodas (inexpensive eateries)
might open only at specific meal times.
Government offices Typically open between 8am and 5pm Monday to Friday, but often
closed between 11:30am and 1:30pm.
Shops Most are open from 8am to 6pm Monday to Saturday.
Sights and activities Unless otherwise stated, count on sights, activities and restaurants
to be open daily.
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