Environmental Engineering Reference
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Figure 11.24.
Hume No.1 Embankment cross section (Cooper et al., 1997).
Figure 11.25.
Hume No.1 Embankment, bend area - geotechnical conditions (Cooper et al., 1997).
The earthfill downstream of the concrete corewall was generally unsaturated, with
local perched water tables. The lower 2 m of the fill was saturated by seepage through the
abutment or leakage through the corewall. The CPT showed the saturated zones had
much lower undrained shear strength than the rest of the fill.
Limit equilibrium stability analyses were carried out using effective stress (peak
and residual) and undrained strengths. The undrained strengths were estimated from the
CPT, CPTU and, more particularly for the saturated zones, from the effective stress
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