Biology Reference
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small, gregarious, with many dark brown setae
and continuous hyaline conidia.
Colletotrichum nigrum (see
Cylindrobasidium corrugum (formerly
Coniophora corrugis ). Sapwood Rot of alpine fir.
gloeosporioides ). Fruit Rot of pepper, probably
general on pepper in South and East. The fun-
gus is a wound parasite on pepper pods. The
spots are irregular, indefinite, depressed, black-
ish. Numerous acervuli with stout setae are
scattered over spots.
Coniella (Coniothyrium)
Cankers and Diebacks .
Coniella diplodiella (formerly Coniothyrium
diplodiella ). White Rot of grapes, appearing spas-
modically on grapes but not one of the more
important diseases. Small pycnidia appear on out-
side of fruit cuticle as shiny, rosy points, also on
leaves. Infection is usually through wounds. Spots
on ripe grapes are grayish, with brown borders.
Coniothyrium diplodiella
Frammulina (Collybia)
Basidiomycetes, Agaricales
diplodiella ). White Rot of grapes, appearing
spasmodically on grapes but not one of the more
important diseases.
Margin of young cap turned in; gills not decur-
rent; stipe central; no annulus or volva; spores
white or light; causing wood rots.
velutipes ). Heart Rot , White Sapwood Rot of
Frammulina velutipes (formerly Collybia
velutipes ). Heart Rot , White Sapwood Rot of
hardwoods. The fungus is a small toadstool with
central stem, base covered with dark brown vel-
vety hairs, cap yellowish or brownish. The disease
is a soft spongy white rot of sapwood of living
hardwoods, particularly basswood, horse-
chestnut, American elm and on catalpa. The
toadstools are formed in clusters at wounds.
velutipes (see
Basidiomycetes, Agaricales
Inky cap mushrooms; hymenium lining gills;
gills deliquesce into a black, inky liquid.
Coprinus urticicola Fruit Rot of pear.
Basidiomycetes, Aphyllophorales
Pileus resupinate, effuse; hymenium with one
layer, cystidia lacking; spores hyaline. Corticium
vagum and other species with a thin film of myce-
lium with short, broad cells on substratum have
been transferred to Pellicularia . Species with
cystidia have been placed in Peniophora . See
Basidiomycetes, Aphyllophorales
Pileus resupinate, effuse; hymenium with one
layer, cystidia lacking;
spores dark; wood-
Coniophora puteana Brown Cubical Rot of
conifers and sometimes hardwoods - on slash,
building timbers, and sometimes living trees.
The crustlike fleshy fruiting bodies are a little
over 2 inches in diameter, olive to brown with
whitish margins and smooth to slightly waxy
Coniophora corrugis (see
Corticium under Blights.
Butlerelfia eustacei (formerly Corticium
centrifugum ). Fisheye Fruit Rot of apple, generally
distributed. A dry, spongy rot often following scab.
Corticium centrifugum (see
eustacei ). Fisheye Fruit Rot of apple, generally
corrugum ). Sapwood Rot of alpine fir.
fuciformis ). Pink Patch of turf, red thread.
fuciforme (see
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