Biology Reference
In-Depth Information
Corticium galactinum (see
galactinum ). White Root Rot of apple, also
recorded on blackberry, dewberry, wineberry,
peach and many ornamentals - baptisia, dog-
wood, holly, flowering almond, flowering plum,
iris, winter jasmine, kalmia, pearl bush, peony,
spirea, sumac, viburnum and white campion.
Corticium radiosum (see
Basidiomycetes, Aphyllophorales
Basidocarp cartilaginous or coriaceous,
erumpent, at first tuberculiform; gloecystidia
yellowish or hyaline; cystidia present or
lacking; spores hyaline, curved-cylindrical
citrinus ). White Butt Rot on sub alpine fir in
Laetisaria fuciformis (formerly Corticium
fuciforme ). Pink Patch of turf; red thread. Grass
is first water-soaked, then dead, in isolated
patches, 2 to 15 inches in diameter, with pinkish
red gelatinous strands of the fungus matting the
blades together and growing into coral red horns,
1/8 to 2 inches long. These turn brittle, break into
pieces to spread the pathogen. Velvet bent grasses
are more susceptible than colonial and creeping
bents. Cadmium compounds will control if
applied as protectants before the disease appears.
Scytinostroma galactinum (formerly
Corticium galactinum ). White Root Rot of
apple, also recorded on blackberry, dewberry,
wineberry, peach and many ornamentals - bapti-
sia, dogwood, holly, flowering almond, flowering
plum, iris, winter jasmine, kalmia, pearl bush,
peony, spirea, sumac, viburnum and white cam-
pion. The fungus also causes a root rot of white
pine and a decay of firs, affecting also western
white cedar and spruce. The disease starts at the
collar or on larger roots and advances rapidly
outward on smaller roots. The collar may be
girdled and killed while distal portions are still
alive. A dense weft of white mycelium covers
roots and penetrates to wood, causing the white
rot. The disease is prevalent on lands recently
cleared of oaks.
Vesiculomyces citrinus (formerly Corticium
radiosum ). White Butt Rot on subalpine fir in
allantoid, smooth.
polygonia (see
Peniophora polygonia ). White Rot on aspen in
Peniophora polygonia (formerly Cryptochaete
( Corticium ) polygonia ). White Rot on aspen in
Deuteromycetes, Coelomycetes
Conidia on sporodochia; spores with several
cells, like Fusarium but more nearly cylindrical
with rounded ends; cosmopolitan in soil, occa-
sionally pathogenic.
Cylindrocarpon liriodendri Root Rot of tulip
Cylindrocarpon destructans Sometimes listed
as cause of Scale-Tip Rot of Easter lily in Pacific
Northwest, but probably secondary. True cause
of rot unknown.
Blights .
Cylindrocladium clavatum Root Rot on Nor-
Cylindrocladium crotalariae (Teleomorph,
Calonectria crotalariae ). Cylindrocladium
Black Rot on peanut, and Root Rot on tulip tree
and kiwi. Red crown rot; on soybean.
Cylindrocladium scoparium Root Rot on
peach and tulip-tree.
Cylindrocladium heptaseptatum Postharvest
Decay on leatherleaf fern.
Leaf Spots .
Corynespora cassiicola Root Rot on soybean.
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