Database Reference
In-Depth Information
When you see the Power View interface for the first time, you'll notice how
uncluttered it looks. Let's review the sections of this interface and see where
to go for certain types of actions.
uu Canvas: The center section dominated by the watermark is called the
canvas, which is where your different visualizations will show up. You can
build tables, slicers, charts, and other elements to create an interactive
uu Field List: The upper right of the screen should look familiar if you've used
Excel's pivot table functionality in the past. It is where the tables from the
data model show up for you to work with.
uu Field Well: The Field Well, found in the bottom right, is where you drag
and drop fields to enable them in different elements on the canvas. We
can change some settings here as well to help them show up the way
we want.
uu Filters Area: The Filters Area restricts the amount of data displayed in
your canvas elements. We could, for example, restrict to showing just a
particular year or a city/state combination for more detailed viewing of
our data. If it gets in the way, you can toggle it using the “<“ icon at the
top of the Filters Area or remove it completely with the Filters Area option
in the Ribbon.
uu View area: The View Area is available when using the SharePoint Power
View option and allows for tracking different states and/or views of the
data in the same report file to provide capabilities to analyze data at dif-
ferent points in time and/or in different ways.
uu ribbon: This is the familiar interface introduced with Office 2007 in which
many of your other common tasks such as saving, design, and data con-
nectivity are grouped together.
Now we can begin creating our first report, but before we do let's review the
steps at a high level and then we'll complete an exercise:
First, you can give your report a title such as Reseller Performance by
clicking on the item on the Power View canvas labeled Click here to add
a title.
Next, you select the data you want to analyze and explore by dragging
it onto the canvas. You can rearrange the fields in the Field Well to make
the report look more appealing. Remember that you don't need to do
any relationship building here. If the relationships exist in the model,
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