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if (digitalRead(pir_pin) == true ) {
// Generate filename with timestamp
filename = "" ;
picture.runShellCommand( "date +%s" );
while (picture.running());
while (picture.available() >0 ) {
char c = picture.read();
filename += c;
filename += ".png" ;
// Take picture
picture.runShellCommand( "fswebcam " + path + filename +
" -r 1280x720" );
while (picture.running());
// Upload to Dropbox
picture.runShellCommand( "python " + path + "upload_picture.py " +
path + filename);
while (picture.running());
The sketch starts by including the required libraries:
#include <Bridge.h>
#include <Process.h>
We also have to declare a process, that we are going to use to call functions on the Linux
machine of the Yun (for example the fswebcam utility we used before):
Process picture;
We are also going to build a filename for each picture the project will take, that will be
stored in a string:
String filename;
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