Hardware Reference
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We also declare the pin on which the PIR motion sensor is connected:
int pir_pin = 8 ;
And the path of the SD card on the Yun:
String path = "/mnt/sda1/" ;
Because we need to call functions on the Linux machine of the Yun, we have to start the
Then, in the loop() part of the sketch, we check if some motion was detected by the PIR
if (digitalRead(pir_pin) == true ) {
If this is the case, we build a unique filename for the picture, with the date at which the
picture was taken:
filename = "" ;
picture.runShellCommand( "date +%s" );
while (picture.running());
while (picture.available() >0 ) {
char c = picture.read();
filename += c;
filename += ".png" ;
We then make the first call to the Linux machine of the Yun, first to take a picture with
the fswebcam utility. Note that here, we provide an extra argument with the -r command,
which set the resolution. I used the maximum resolution of my camera, which is 720p:
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