Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
1960: hemp cultivation restarted in L'Aube,
France, in order to help a paper maker,
1974: creation of the agricultural cooperative,
Chanvriere de l'Aube .
1992: hemp cultivation is reauthorized in most
of Europe.
1994: Hemcore grows hemp in the UK.
1997: hemp cultivation is authorized in Canada
and Australia.
1 Actes du Colloque de Pattès, Octobre 1999, sur l'archéologie des textiles. See also the Symposium de
Paris, 1984: Problèmes des fibres de textiles anciens.
2 Les textiles aux temps bibliques (périodiques). Dr P. Horu (1968), Bâle C.I.B.A.
3 Hildegarde figures among the most notable and original thinkers of medieval Europe. Born of an aristo-
cratic family of the Rhineland, she entered a convent at the age of 8 and was to stay there for the remaining
84 years of her life. Abbess, scientist and celebrity, she was erudite and noted also as a musician, prolific
composer, political and religious personality and as a visionary. Her writings figured among the earliest
mystical works of the Middle Ages and included a work on spirituality, Sci Vias , which translates as 'Know
the Way'.
As the most important doctor of her day, Hildegarde von Bingen wrote a number of topics that
anticipated the developments to come in our understanding of the circulatory and nervous systems. The
medicines she used to treat various diseases demonstrate an extensive knowledge and understanding
of the pharmacology of plants. She corresponded prolifically with other great thinkers and participated in
the political and religious debates of the times. Régine Pemoud, in her biography of Hildegarde, called her
the 'inspirational conscience of the 12th century'.
4 The 'swelling of the dragon' we know as phlebitis, while the Chardon de Marie is a wild artichoke
(St Mary's Thistle, or Silybum - thistle family).
5 In Le chevalier de la charrette , translated by A. Foulet.
6 Text set and translated by Mick Zirk.
7 Œuvres poétiques , edited by G. Subia (1999).
8 Nouveau manuel du cordier . Boitard (1899), editor Roret, Paris.
9 Histoire de la Bretagne .Y. Pelletier and ChUGEARD. NLF (1900) in Chapter IV.
10 Annales historiques de la Gironde (1913) (T 48).
11 Quarte: mesure de poids équivalent à environ 20 kg.
12 Annales historiques de la Gironde.
13 Lin et chanvre d'Angoumois et Saintonge by Mme A. Cadet. Mémoire de la société d'Archéologie
et Historique de la Charente No 1-1968.
14 Sérançage: action of cleaning the hemp before the retting process in order to remove the seeds.
15 Inventory of the furniture and effects of the Castle of Jarnac. 1668. Published in 1890, in Angouleme.
Extract from the Bulletin Archéologique et Historique de la Charente , annotated by E. Biais.
16 Les Cahiers d'Histoire: histoire de la culture du chanvre à Mauragny (Aisne).
17 Mémoire d'un Musée: Musée Départemental des Arts et Traditions Populaires du Perche .
18 Cahiers Percherons. La proto industrie: Textile rural du Perche au XVIII° siècle (cf. References) Claude
Cailly (1993).
19 This paragraph on the naval industries of the age has drawn on a number of works: Duhamel du
Monceau, Traité de la fabrique des manœuvres pour les vaisseaux ou l'Art de la corderie perfectionné .
(1769) ed. Desaint Libraire, Paris; Boudriot, J., Le vaisseau de 74 canons , 4 vols, Paris; La Corderie Royale
de Rochefort. Les cahiers de la Corderie , published by Le Centre International de la Mer - Rochefort
sur Mer.
20 Original document belonging to an inhabitant of this region.
21 For further information on this subject please refer to: Tome III - Histoire de la France rurale , collected
works under the direction of G. Duby and Armand Wallon, Editions du Seuil, 1976.
22 Cotton had been known of for a long time. It was reported in Mexico around 3700 BC , in Pakistan around
2700 BC and in Peru around 2500 BC . The first imports of cotton to Southern Europe, specifically Sicily
and Spain, were made by the Saracens. The first cotton plantations were established in the USA in the
18th century, together with the slave trade, which ensured its cheap production. With the arrival of harvesting
machines and threshing machines, cotton production took off, dealing a fatal blow to the hemp industry.
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