Biology Reference
In-Depth Information
TABLE 15.4 (Continued)
Water Quality Monitoring: Current Practices in Asia
Nationwide Monitoring of Surface Water
(Rivers and Lakes)
Nationwide Marine Environmental
River/lake water quality monitoring
parameters are similar to those for marine
coastal water monitoring: 8 parameters
listed in list I and 26 chemicals (23 of list II
+ fluoride, boron, and nitrate- and
nitrite-nitrogen). There are an additional 27
precautionary monitoring parameters
consisting of further metals and organic
compounds (POMRAC 2009; MEJ 2011).
The water quality survey of coastal areas
I. 8 physical/chemical/biochemical
parameters: pH, chemical oxygen
demand (COD), dissolved oxygen
(DO), n -hexane extract (oil, etc.), total
nitrogen (TN), total phosphorous (TP),
total coliforms
II. 23 chemicals including 8 metals and 15
organic compounds.
National Water Quality Monitoring
Programme (NWMP) (CPCB 2008a)
Parameters monitored include (CPCB
(1) Water samples analyzed for 28
•9 core parameters including pH,
conductivity, DO, BOD, nitrate-N,
nitrite-N, fecal and total coliforms
•19 other physicochemical and
bacteriological parameters including
turbidity, alkalinity, COD, total N,
hardness, SS, phosphate, sulfate, Na,
Ca, Mg, K, F, Cl, ammonia, boron.
Plus another 9 trace metals and 15
pesticides in selected samples.
(2) Biological monitoring in specific
locations: saprobity index, diversity
index, P/R ratio.
(1) Water quality: salinity, DO, pH, SS,
BOD, phosphate, nitrate, nitrite,
ammonia, petroleum hydrocarbons,
pathogenic Vibrio , pathogenic
(2) Sediment quality: TOC, bacteria, Cd,
Pb, Hg.
(3) Biological characteristics:
•primary productivity, chlorophyll a ,
pheophytin, phytoplankton,
zooplankton, benthos, fish
•biomonitoring analysis of selected
organisms (e.g., mussels) for Cd, Hg, Pb
as well as pesticide residues (DFDT, BHC)
Department of Environmental Monitoring
and Information Management responsible
for all national environmental water
Rivers: monthly for mainly physicochemical
parameters including conductivity, pH, DO,
BOD, COD, SS, nitrogen (ammonia, nitrite,
nitrate), but also coliforms; seasonally—
including phosphate and some trace metals
(EPA Taiwan 2010a, b).
19 regions and 104 sampling points:
seasonal monitoring of physicochemical
parameters only, including salinity, pH,
DO, SS, chlorophyll a , nitrogen (ammonia,
nitrite, nitrate), phosphate, silicate, and
selected trace metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Pb,
Zn) (EPA Taiwan 2010a, b).
National Environment Agency (NEA):
regular monitoring of pH, DO, BOD, SS,
ammonia, sulfide (NEA 2002).
NEA: monitoring of water samples for trace
metals, TOC, and other physical, chemical,
and bacteriological parameters (NEA 2002).
Malaysian Department of Environment
(DOE): water monitoring at regular
intervals (WEPA 2009). Six main traditional
physicochemical measurements: BOD, CO,
NH 3 N, pH, DO, SS. Other parameters such
as trace metals and bacteria measured
according to site requirement (Morse et al.
2007; DOE 2010a).
DOE monitoring program:
•In situ water quality parameters include
pH, DO, salinity, turbidity, tar balls
•laboratory analyses of parameters
including fecal coliforms, SS, ammonia,
nitrite, nitrate, selected metals, CN,
phenol, TBT, PAH (DOE 2010b).
( continued )
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