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infection. Furthermore, survival was significantly improved when the fish were fed doses of
240 and 480 mg MOS kg −1 compared to the control group.
14.5.3 Gibel carp
Gibel carp is an important fish species in China, due to its rapid growth and excellent
taste (Xue and Cui 2001). Recently, He et al . (2011) reported that Saccharoculture, a
commercial fermented yeast product with a high MOS content, improved SGR, FCR and the
autochthonous gut microbiota of gibel carp. The non-specific immune parameters assessed
(serum lysozyme activity and complement activity (C3 and C4)) were not significantly
affected, however. On the contrary, the application of a more refined MOS product has been
reported to improve gibel carp immune responses (Ig levels, lysozyme and ACH50 activities)
when fed at 4.5 g MOS kg −1 (Akrami et al . 2012b). However, no significant differences were
observed in growth or feeding parameters.
14.5.4 Indian carp
The effects of MOS on the Indian carp growth performance, haematological parameters and
resistance to A . hydrophila were investigated by Andrews et al . (2009). SGR was significantly
improved and the highest leukocyte and erythrocyte levels, haemoglobin and respiratory burst
activity, and serum protein parameters (total protein, globulin, albumin and albumin/globulin
ratio) were observed in the MOS fed fish. Furthermore, inclusion of 1 g MOS kg −1 improved
resistance to A . hydrophila . However, the positive effects present at the lower MOS inclusion
level (1g kg −1 ) were not observed at the higher inclusion level (4 g kg −1 ).
14.5.5 Koi carp
Chitosan oligosaccharides (COS) are made by chemical and enzymatic hydrolysis of chitosan.
Recently, Lin etal . (2012) conducted an 8 week feeding study with koi fed COS to evaluate the
effect on the growth, immunity and disease resistance against Aeromonas veronii . Inclusion of
2gCOSkg −1 significantly improved SGR, total leukocyte counts, respiratory burst, lysozyme
and superoxide dismutase activities, and increased protection against infection in the challenge
experiment. Based on their results, the authors suggested that information on the cellular and
molecular mechanisms merits further evaluation.
14.5.6 Goldfish
Goldfish, one of the earliest domesticated fish species, is one of the most popular ornamental
species globally. Savolainen and Gatlin III (2009) evaluated supplementation of GroBiotic ® -A
(20gkg −1 ) by dry weight in the diet of juvenile goldfish in the presence or absence of phy-
toplankton and zooplankton. The prebiotic tended to improve weight gain and feed efficiency
in the presence of phytoplankton and zooplankton. However, prebiotic supplementation did
not modulate the proximal or distal allochthonous gut microbiota and supplementation did not
improve disease resistance of goldfish intraperitoneally (IP) challenged with A . hydrophila .In
a more recent study, Raggi and Gatlin III (2012) evaluated the effect of GroBiotic ® -A, MOS,
GOS and FOS on apparent digestibility coefficients (ADC) of protein, lipid, organic matter and
carbohydrate and the faecal microbiota of goldfish after 8 weeks of feeding. Supplementation
of the prebiotics decreased ADC values, and the general trend was that MOS inclusion had
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