Travel Reference
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The adjoining monastery is known as much for the oils and unguents that its monks
produce as for its Renaissance cloisters. Upstairs, a library is adorned with huge old maps
that hang from the walls of a musty reading room.
Palazzo della Pilotta
(Piazza della Pilotta) Looming over Piazza della Pace's manicured lawns and modern foun-
tains, this monumental palace is hard to miss. Supposedly named after the Spanish ball
game of pelota that was once played within its walls, it was originally built for the
Farnese family between 1583 and 1622. Heavily bombed in WWII, it has since been
largely rebuilt and today houses several museums.
The most important of these, the Galleria Nazionale OFFLINE MAP GOOGLE MAP (adult/re-
duced incl Teatro Farnese €6/3; 8.30am-1.30pm Tue-Sun) , displays Parma's main art collection.
Alongside works by local artists Correggio and Parmigianino, you'll find paintings by Fra
Angelico, El Greco and a piece attributed to da Vinci. Before you get to the gallery, you'll
pass through the Teatro Farnese OFFLINE MAP GOOGLE MAP ( 23 33 09; Piazzale della Pilotta
15; adult/child €2.00/free; 8:30am-2pm Tue-Sun) , a copy of Andrea Palladio's Teatro
Olimpico in Vicenza. Constructed entirely out of wood, it was almost completely rebuilt
after being bombed in WWII.
For a change of period, the Museo Archeologico Nazionale OFFLINE MAP GOOGLE MAP (
0521 23 37 18; admission €4; 9am-5pm Tue-Fri, 12.30-7.30pm Sat & Sun) exhibits Roman arte-
facts discovered around Parma and Etruscan finds from the Po valley.
Piazza Garibaldi
On the site of the ancient Roman forum, Piazza Garibaldi is Parma's cobbled hub bisected
by the city's main east-west artery, Via Mazzini, and its continuation, Strada della Repub-
blica. On the square's north side, the facade of the 17th-century Palazzo del Governatore
OFFLINE MAP GOOGLE MAP , these days municipal offices, sports a giant sundial, added in
Behind the palace in the Chiesa di Santa Maria della Steccata OFFLINE MAP GOOGLE MAP
(Piazza Steccata 9; 9am-noon & 3-6pm) , you'll find some of Parmigianino's most ex-
traordinary work, notably the stunning, if rather faded, frescoes on the arches above the
altar. Many members of the ruling Farnese and Bourbon families lie buried here.
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