Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Beneficial water use
Conveyance system
Department of Water Affairs and Forestry, SA
Flood irrigation
Irrigation efficiency
Irrigation methods
Irrigation uniformity
Mobile irrigation
Murray Biesenbach and Badenhorst (MBB) Inc., SA
PolyPlot software
South African framework
Sprinkler irrigation
Subsurface drip irrigation
Subsurface irrigation
Water consumption
Water Research Commission, SA
Water-balance approach
Water-use efficiency
1. Bloem, A. A., Laker, M. C. (1993). The influence of droplet size, drop height and applica-
tion rate on the generation of runoff water under simulated overhead irrigation. ( Die invloed
van druppelgrootte, valhoogte en toedieningstempo op die generasie van afloopwater onder
gesimuleerde oorhoofse besproeiing. ) Water SA, 19:307-312.
2. Bloem, A. A., Laker, M. C. (1994a). Criteria for the adaptation of the design and management
of center-pivot irrigation systems to the infiltrability of soils. Water SA, 20:127-132.
3. Bloem, A. A., Laker, M. C. (1994b). Infiltration on field and laboratory situations: A comparison
study. ( Infiltrasie onder veld en laboratoriumtoestande: 'n Vergelykende studie. ) Water SA,
4. Bloem, A. A., Laker, M. C., Lagrange, L. F., Smit, C. J. (1992). Aanpassing van Oorhoofse
Besproeiingstelsels by die Infiltreerbaarheid van Gronde (Adaptation of overhead irrigation
systems to the infiltrability of soils). WRC Report No. 208(1), 92. Water Research Commission,
Pretoria, South Africa. 230 pages.
5. Du Rand, D. J., Kruger, G. H. J. (1995). Surface irrigation in South Africa - the challenge. In:
Proc. Southern African Irrigation Symposium. 4-6 June 1991, Durban, South Africa. WRC Re-
port No. TT 71/95. Water Research Commission, Pretoria, South Africa. 195-201 pages.
6. DWAF, (2004). National Water Resource Strategy. Department of Water Affairs and Forestry
(DWAF), Pretoria, South Africa. 150 pages.
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