Agriculture Reference
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7. Koegelenberg, F. H., Reinders, F. B., Van Niekerk, A. S. (2002). Performance of surface drip
irrigation systems under field conditions. WRC Report No. 1036(1)02. Water Research Com-
mission, Pretoria, South Africa. 111 pages.
8. Murray, Biesenbach and Badenhorst (MBB) Inc. (1987). The Development of Procedures for
Design and Evaluation of Irrigation Systems (IDES). WRC Report No. 116(2)87. Water Re-
search Commission, Pretoria, South Africa. 236 pages.
9. Perry, C. (2007). Efficient irrigation, inefficient communication, flawed recommendations. Ir-
rig. And Drain. 56:367-378.
10. Reinders, F. B., Smal, H. S., Van Niekerk, A. S. (2005). Subsurface drip irrigation: factors af-
fecting the efficiency and maintenance. WRC Report No. 1189(1)05. Water Research Commis-
sion, Pretoria, South Africa. 132 pages.
11. Reinders, F. B., Van Der Stoep, I., Lecler, N. L., Greaves, K. R., Vahrmeijer, J. T., Benadé, N.,
Du Plessis, F. J., Van Heerden, P. S., Steyn, J. M., Grové, B., Jumman, A., Ascough, G. (2010).
Standards and Guidelines for Improved Efficiency of Irrigation Water Use from Dam Wall Re-
lease to Root Zone Apageslication: Main Report. WRC Report No. TT 465/10. Volume 1 of 3.
Water Research Commission, Pretoria, South Africa. 22 pages.
12. Russell, D. A. (1982). Determination of soil properties related to irrigation and drainage. De-
partment of Soil Science, University of Fort Hare, Alice, South Africa. 238 pages.
13. Simpson, G. B., Reinders, F. B. (1999). Evaluation of the performance of two types of sprinkler
irrigation emitters installed on permanent and dragline systems. WRC Report No. KV 119/99.
Water Research Commission, Pretoria, South Africa. 47 pages.
14. Van Der Ryst, C. (1995). Evaporation and wind drift losses during center pivot irrigation. In:
Proc. Southern African Irrigation Symposium , 4-6 June 1991, Durban - South Africa. WRC
Report No. TT 71/95. WRC, Pretoria, South Africa. 233-234 pages.
15. Van Niekerk, A. S., Koegelenberg, F. H., Reinders, F. B. (2006). Guidelines for the selection and
use of various micro irrigation filters with regards to filtering and backwashing efficiency. WRC
Report No. 1356(1)06. Water Research Commission, Pretoria, South Africa. 104 pages.
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