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FIGURE 8.9 Placement of important information on the matrix in the Chinese sample.
17) On a screen, where would you place the most important information?
Users tend to attribute more importance on elements placed in the center of
the screen.
Users tend to read from top left towards the center of the screen.
Results summary.
The largest group of the Chinese respondents chose the top-left corner to hold the most
important information (30%), because it is easily noticed and follows the prevalent
reading pattern. Middle center was the second largest choice (25%), because it is
usually the largest part of the screen, and holds most of the content. The third largest
group chose the top-right placement (20%). The reasons came from habits (from some
software or websites), as well as from reading patterns. (See Figure 8.9.)
Results summary.
The Czech respondents chose the middle center to hold most of the important infor-
mation (40%) based on respondents' expectations. Also, the center is the first place
where users look. Top left and top center followed second in popularity with 25%
each. Top center was chosen because of its position in the height of the eyes, and also
because it is located at the golden ratio. The other respondents chose top left because
of reading habits. The choices were motivated by habit. (See Figure 8.10.)
The hypotheses were partly supported by the results. The placement of important
information follows the prevalent reading pattern. Therefore, the preference goes
from the top-left corner towards the center. Also, the preference is related to the
favorite websites and applications the respondents would use; that is, the top-right
corner is used by some notes applications displaying memos in there. Interestingly,
the Czech respondents preferred the uppermost row and the central column of the
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