Graphics Programs Reference
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Figure 4.26
6. Add another blank layer and name it debris 2 . Increase the size of the brush a little
because the debris nearer to the camera would be larger, and then apply a few
brush strokes. Go to Filter > Convert for Smart Filters, and then to Filter > Blur >
Gaussian Blur and apply less blur than in the previous step. I applied a blur amount
of 15 pixels. Click OK.
7. Add another blank layer and name it debris 3 . This debris should be slightly larger
than the previous layer, so increase the size of the brush. Add a small amount of
Gaussian Blur (5 pixels) so that it still has the look of movement. Click OK.
8. Add another blank layer and name it debris 4 . This will be the debris nearest the
camera. This debris needs to be largest of all, so increase the size of the brush to
the maximum and apply a few brush strokes (if you want the debris to be even big-
ger, use Edit > Free Transform and resize the contents of the layer). Finally, go to
Filter > Convert for Smart Filters, and then to Filter > Gaussian Blur and add a
blur amount similar (if not slightly more) to the amount you used on the debris 1
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