Biology Reference
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Table 2. The list of genes belonging to the photoperiodic flowering pathway.
For the vernalization pathway, we were not able to find FLC-like sequences
from our EST libraries or public Fragaria or Rosaceae EST databases by tBLASTn
searches although we used the FLC and FLC-like sequences from Arabidopsis
(MAF1-MAF5, MADS AFFECTING FLOWERING 1-5) and several other
plant species as query sequences [13,50,51]. Similarly, also FRI [14] was lacking
from Rosaceae ESTs but putative FRL (FRIGIDA-LIKE) [15] sequences were
identified in Fragaria. In addition, we identified several gene homologs belonging
to the FRI complex as well as other regulatory complexes (SWR1, PAF) involved
in promoting the expression of FLC (Table 3) [17,52,53]. Also putative members
of FLC repressing PRC2 complex, were present in strawberry ESTs. These include
putative VIN3 (VERNALIZATION INSENSITIVE 3) [19,20] that has been
identified earlier [54], and putative SWN1 (SWINGER 1), FIE (FERTILIZA-
LHP1 (LIKE HETEROCHROMATIN PROTEIN 1) [19,55,56], which were
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