Biology Reference
In-Depth Information
Table 1. The comparison of F. vesca ESTs with different databases.
Identification of Flowering Time Genes
Flowering related genes were identified from our libraries by BLASTx searches as
described above and fourteen putative flowering time regulators were identified;
four gene homologs were present only in EB library, eight in SD library, and two
genes in both libraries. In figure 2, we have summarized the Arabidopsis flower-
ing pathways and highlighted the putative homologous genes identified from our
EST collection. In general, candidate genes for all major pathways were identified.
In addition, 118 Arabidopsis flowering time genes were used as a query to search
publicly available GDR Fragaria EST and EST contig databases using tBLASTn.
Sequences passing cut-off value of 1e-10 were further analysed by BLASTx algo-
rithm against Arabidopsis protein database, and those returning original Arabi-
dopsis protein were listed. Moreover, sequences that were absent from Fragaria
databases were similarly searched from GDR Rosaceae EST database. In these
searches, 52 additional Fragaria sequences were identified. Moreover, the total
number of 88 homologs of Arabidopsis flowering time genes were found among
all available Rosaceae sequences.
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