Geography Reference
In-Depth Information
All of these factors have lead to a significant change in the landscape structure
(including the georelief), hydrological network and settlement during the past
80 years. Our aim is to collect data, such as old maps, aerial photographs, land-
use representation, digital terrain model reconstructions, 3D town reconstructions,
old postcards and photographs, history of the places and much more into a com-
prehensive information system offering all this information to researchers and the
In this paper we focus on the newer methods of data collection, processing,
analysis and visualization for the purposes of the proposed information system.
The Area of Interest
This project is focused on the whole region of ´ st´ nad Labem. With respect to
limited space within this article, we will introduce the methods used mainly on site
2. The areas 1-6 were processed in detail and the results are available on our server . 1 A short description of the sites of interest:
￿ Site 1—The water dam Pˇ´seˇnice flooded the former town Pˇ´seˇnice in 1974.
The surrounding settlement had to be destroyed due to hygienic regulations.
Analysis results presented at ( Rekonstrukce zanikl ´ obce P ˇ´ se ˇ nice (Recon-
struction of vanished town P ˇ´ se ˇ nice) ).
￿ Site 2—Water dam Nechranice flooded villages in the Oh ˇ e valley. The neigh-
boring open-pit mine N ´ stup Tu ˇ imice provides brown coal to the surrounding
power plants.
￿ Site 3—Open-pit mine ˇ SA is located at the foot of the Ore Mountains. Huge
landslides have endangered the surroundings including the castle Jeze ˇ´ . More
about the site in Pacina et al. ( 2012 ).
￿ Site 4—Open-pit mine Vr ˇ any has brown coal deposits till the year 2035.
Detailed site description and analysis in ˇ kvrna ( 2013 ).
￿ Site 5—Lake Most—a symbol of brown coal mining in this region. The royal
town Most has been completely destroyed, brown coal mined and the empty pit
turned into a lake. Detailed site description and analysis in Pacina et al. ( 2013 ).
￿ Site 6—The biggest 2 active open-pit mine in this region -B´lina mine and the
neighboring large deposit Radovesice. More about the site in Pacina et al. ( 2011 )
and Weiss ( 2011 ).
1 The links to the resulting web-mapping applications are presented in chapter 4.
2 Our computations in Pacina et al. ( 2011 ) have shown that the material deployed from the mine
in-between the years 1938 and 1995 would fill so many railway wagons that length of such a train
would be twice the length of the equator.
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