Geography Reference
In-Depth Information
Fig. 3 A Nokia map with marker ( © 2014 Nokia. Nokia map content is used with permission)
MapQuest API
MapQuest first introduced its mapping website in 1996 and enjoyed many years as
the primary online mapping website. Caught off-guard by the introduction of
Google Maps in 2005, it adapted slowly to the new tile-based, API-based mapping
method. Even so, it maintained its number one map provider position until 2009. As
with the Nokia API, the use of the MapQuest API also requires a numeric key. The
example in Fig. 4 demonstrates how to add a marker to the map. Options for marker
display are not well-developed.
OpenStreetMap API
OpenStreetMap is the major volunteered geographic information (VGI) website, a
method of data acquisition also referred to as crowdsourcing . It has thousands of
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