Civil Engineering Reference
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Fig. 7.9 Cylindrical squares will hold work at 90 degrees to the table's surface. The
small groove at the lower end is optional but is useful so you know which end is true
to the diameter.
They are easy to make. Just machine the outside diameter and the end
face at the same time. Put a small groove at the lower end next to the ma-
chined end, and you will always know which is the square end that goes
closest to the table.
You can also bolt them onto an angle plate, either parallel to the machine's
table or at different heights to set the workpiece on an angle.
Cylindrical square as a vice stop
You can bolt a cylindrical square at the end of a vice to use as a vice stop. It
can be fixed as far away from the vice as the machine will allow for machining
the ends of long workpieces.
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