Civil Engineering Reference
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piece bigger by putting a piece of angle between the vee block and the work-
Fig. 6.10 Milling the ends of the bar square in a pair of vee blocks. You could also do
the same with only one vee block.
Milling a round bar square
Often, you will not have a bit of square stock the right size so you will need
to mill it from out of the round. This is simple to do: start with a piece of bar
×1.450 (say ×1.5 to be sure) larger than the square bar required. Put the bar
in the vice and touch on with the cutter. Mill off 0.275 × the diameter. This is
the first flat taken to width. Put the bar into the vice with the flat against the
fixed jaw. Remove another 0.275 × the diameter from the top of the radius.
The flat should meet up with the first flat. If necessary take off a few more
thou. You now have two flats at right angles.
Turn the bar over so it rests on the bottom of the vice or on parallels. The
round part of the bar should again be against the moving jaw. Mill off the radi-
us until the bar is the correct thickness. Finally, mill off the last radius. Put the
bar into the vice with the radius at the top. Mill to size. You should now have
a nice square bar. Finish the ends to length as described for the square bar.
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