Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
of streams and setting out structures such as check dams, stopdams, and earthen
Hyper-arid A climate characterised by an annual rainfall of 200 mm or less, and
number of rainy days 10 or less. The Thorntwaite aridity index for such climates is
0.03 or less.
Immediate predecessor In network analysis, an activity that must be completed
before a given activity can start.
Immediate successor In network analysis, an activity that can start immediately
after completion of a given activity.
Impact assessment Assessment of impact of a project, especially with respect to
the desired aims and objectives. It is a measure of the success of the project.
Impervious check dams
Check dams made on streams and rivulets for collection
or retention of water.
Indigenous knowledge Knowledge originated in, being produced or existing with,
the communities in a particular area or environment. Such knowledge is based on
close observation of nature and natural processes by the people over generations,
and is intimate, detailed and, at times, profound.
Indigenous technology Techniques, practices, and knowledge applied to achieve
practical goals, as traditionally developed and used by people in a particular area.
Inspection Act of visiting the site of work and examining or appraising work
critically with a view to testing for compliance of the standards.
Inspection path A motorable path running through a plantation for rapid inspection.
Inspection path can be laid out in peripheral, cross-band, or network pattern. It aims
to cover the area of plantation as comprehensively as possible.
Institution building Development of an organisation, corporation or other body,
especially of public character, with a view to gain expertise, competence and
characteristic ability to handle certain matters.
Intangible benefits Benefits not directly seen, felt, perceived, or measured but ac-
cruing nonetheless. Afforestation projects have a large number of intangible benefits
associated with them.
Integrated pest management Comprehensive set of practices to prevent, control,
and destroy pests using appropriate techniques.
Interlacing Weaving wires, crossing one another, especially the vertical strands in
a barbed-wire fence with its horizontal strands, to produce a lattice or net.
Intermediate yield Produce per unit area drawn from a plantation other than by way
of final harvesting. Intermediate yield may result from the operations of thinning,
pruning, and pollarding of trees, or harvesting of grasses, legumes, seeds, fibres,
gums, resins, fruits, and flowers.
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