Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
International System of Units A system of units based on the metric system and
developed and ratified by an international convention, especially for scientific work.
The units in this system are called the SI units (after Le Système international d'unités,
the French name of the system).
Jet pump A reciprocating type water pump that pushes water up in each cycle.
Key trench A trench excavated slightly upstream of the centre line of the foundation
of an earthen dam, meant to cut off subsoil flow of water. The key trench must be
filled with appropriate soil and compacted with particular care to ensure that it is
L-section of a stream Profile of ground in the direction of flow of a stream over a
given stretch. The L-section helps in selection of site for locating a water-impounding
structure such as a stopdam, or an earthen embankment.
Cross-section of a stream
Labour amenities Facilities or services provided for comfort and convenience of
workers engaged at a site of work. Such facilities normally are provided at the cost
of the project and include provision for drinking water, crèche, shelter or shade from
sun, medical first aid and maintenance of excavation tools.
Laggards In a plant population in nursery or in field, the specimens that are slow or
retarded in growth. In a nursery, these might be the inferior specimens to be graded
Land capability classes A system of classifying various landforms into standard
categories based on their suitability for certain uses.
Land ownership Rights to use of land, in various forms. Tenancy rights, tenured
lease, perpetual lease, absolute ownership titles, and right to access and usufruct are
different forms of land ownership. Community lands are often held in state ownership
with usufruct vesting with the communities who are traditional users of the lands.
While planning an afforestation project the ownership patterns of land proposed to
be covered under the project should be thoroughly investigated and examined.
Landscape conservation The practice or precept of keeping natural landforms, its
features, and scenery intact while executing developmental projects.
Late finish time In network analysis, the time by which the activity must be finished,
failing which the project will be adversely affected. The late finish time is computed
by adding the duration of the activity to the late start time of the activity.
Late start time In network analysis, the time by which the activity must start,
failing which the project may be affected adversely. The late start time of an activity
is computed in a backward pass by setting it equal to the maximum of the late finish
times of its immediate predecessors.
Low density polyethylene.
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