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The algorithms used in ICA can be deterministic or stochastic. The deterministic
algorithms always produce the same results (usually exploiting the algebraic
structure of the matrices involved) whereas the stochastic algorithms are adaptive
starting from a random unmixing matrix that is updated iteratively. The updating
can be made for every observation (on-line) or for the whole set of observations
(off-line). Thus, the results of stochastic algorithms vary in different executions of
the algorithm. The reliability of the results has to be studied since the algorithm
may reach a local optimum (local consistency) instead of the unique global
optimum (global consistency) of the contrast function. The convergence depends
on statistical variables such as random sampling of the data. It is commonly
accepted that the estimation results are robust to the details of knowledge about the
distributions (super- or sub-gaussianity, and so on). It has also been demonstrated
that incorrect assumptions on such distributions can result in poor estimation
performance, and sometimes in a complete failure to obtain the source separation
[ 28 ]. Local consistency of ICA methods that search for specified distributions and
global consistency in the case of two sources with heavy-tail distributions has been
studied [ 19 , 26 , 29 ]. Recently, the statistical reliability or ''quality'' of the
parameters estimated by ICA has been analyzed using bootstrap resampling
techniques and visualization of the cluster structure of the components [ 30 , 31 ].
2.2 Standard ICA Methods
The ideal measure of independence is the ''mutual information'' that was proposed
as a contrast function in [ 17 ]. It has been demonstrated that this function corre-
sponds to the likelihood for a model of independent components that is optimized
with respect to all its parameters. Thus, the likelihood in a given ICA model is the
probability of a data set as a function of the mixing matrix and the component
distributions [ 28 ]. Mutual information ð I Þ is defined as the Kullback-Leibler ð KL Þ
divergence or relative entropy between the joint density and the product of the
marginal distributions:
¼ Z p ð s Þ log
I ð s Þ¼ KL s; Y
p ð s Þ
p ð s i Þ
p ð s i Þ ds
ð 2 : 5 Þ
It is non-negative and equals to zero only if the distributions are the same. The
logarithm of the fraction in Eq. ( 2.5 ) can be transformed into a difference of
logarithms, obtaining
I ð s Þ¼ X
H ð s i Þ H ð s Þ
ð 2 : 6 Þ
where H ð u Þ denotes Shannon's differential entropy for a continuous random
variable u ; which can be seen as a measure of the randomness of the variable u.
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