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components have zero mean.
The source independence is expressed as the joint probability, which is the
product of the marginal densities p ð s Þ¼ Q
p i s ðÞ: Since the source distribution is
not available, the independence is represented in different ways, e.g., using the
following statistics
Eg i s ðÞ g j s j
¼ 0
ð 2 : 3 Þ
for any non-linear function g i ; i.e., all the cross cumulants must be zero.
Most of the existing algorithms used to estimate the matrix A can be organized
in two categories. The first category of methods directly approximates the distri-
butions of hidden sources within a specified class of distributions and minimizes a
cost function the so-called contrast function, or simply contrast, which is generi-
cally denoted / ð s Þ such as mutual information, likelihood function, or equivalents
[ 5 , 17 - 21 ]. The design of the ICA algorithms includes the formulation of a contrast
function that has to be minimized through an optimization procedure. The contrast
function is a real valued function of the estimated sources s, which yields a
minimum value when the independence is attained. The second category of
methods optimizes other contrast functions without approximating distributions
explicitly. These functions can be, for instance, nongaussianity (using neguentropy
or kurtosis), and nonlinear correlation among estimated sources [ 2 , 22 ].
In several ICA algorithms, the data are first whitened (also called sphering),
which requires the covariance matrix of the data to be unity. It is well-known that
the demixing matrix can be factorized as the product of a whitening and an
orthogonal matrix, i.e., B ¼ VW ; where V is the whitening matrix and W is the
orthogonal one. The mixtures are first whitened in order to exhaust the second
order moments (signals are forced to be uncorrelated). The whitened vector is
expressed as z ¼ VAs ; with E ¼ zz ½ ¼ I, and the whiteness constraint
E ss T ¼ I : , with s being the estimated sources. Thus, the ICA model, considering
a prewhitening step, is expressed as
s ¼ Bx ¼ WVx
ð 2 : 4 Þ
The orthogonal matrix W is a rotation of the joint density, which has to maximize
the nongaussianity of the marginal densities, thus maximizing a measure of
independence. The rotation step keeps the covariance of s equal to the identity,
thus preserving the whiteness, hence, the decorrelation of the components. Pre-
whitening is an optional step to estimate the ICA parameters; in fact, recent
methods avoid a prewhitening phase and directly attempt to compute a non-
orthogonal diagonalizing congruence (see e.g., [ 23 , 24 ]. A discussion about con-
nections between mutual information, entropy, and non Gaussianity in a general
framework without imposing whitening is presented in [ 25 ]. However, prewhi-
tening in ICA algorithms has been reported to provide algorithmic computational
advantages (see e.g., [ 26 , 27 ]).
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