Environmental Engineering Reference
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capable to produce reliable data for individual sulphur intermediates in natural
waters at low concentrations and on sampling and preparation methods without
oxidation artefacts.
Alkalinity usually increases in the anoxic zone and in the pore water of
marine sediments [19, 21, 27, 38, 52, 82, 101]. Total alkalinity A T is a sum of
several components such as hydrocarbonate (or carbonate) A C and borate A B
alkalinities, both typical for anoxic and oxic waters. Silicate A Si , hydrosulfide
(sulfide) A S , phosphate A P , and ammonium A N alkalinities add to the total
alkalinity A T in the anoxic water:
A Si
A N or
[ HCO 3 ]
2[ CO 2 3 ]
[ HS ]
2[ S 2 ]
[ B ( OH ) 4 ]
[ Si ( OH ) 3 ]
[ HPO 2 4 ]
2[ PO 3 4 ]
[ OH ]
[ H + ]
[ NH 3 ]
Total alkalinity is calculated using in situ pH and dissociation constants for
particular species in the equation (1) [21, 56]. Here we have used new alkalinity
data obtained by Makkaveev (Shirshov Institute of Oceanology RAS, Moscow)
in the north-eastern Black Sea during several cruises of R/V Akvanavt in 1999-
2001. Close relationships between A T and hydrogen sulphide S T =
(H 2 S+
HS +S 2 ) have been observed during several years in the Black Sea anoxic
water (Fig. 10):
In 1999: A T = 3304 + 3.11 S T (n = 134)
In 2000: A T = 3312 + 3.05 S T (n = 145)
In 2001: A T = 3302 + 3.04 S T (n = 180)
Average: A T = 3306 + 3.06 S T (n = 459).
The average A T of 4457 µM and total hydrogen sulphide S T of 376 µMin
the bottom layer of 1700-2200 m were used to calculate the increase of total
alkalinity (
A T ) and its components in the layer from 100 to 2000 m (Table 4).
The contribution of different components in the total alkalinity changes with
depth. The sulfide component is responsible for up to 312 µM (or 27%) of
the total alkalinity increase
A T in the anoxic zone. Silicate, phosphate and
ammonium components increase with depth too, but their relative contribu-
tion is insignificant compared to A S . The role of borate alkalinity decreases
insignificantly with depth.
The stoichiometry of the organic matter decomposition suggested by
Richards [75] is closely connected with the alkalinity concept:
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